Maverick has been an amazing dog for the time i've had to raise him. I put him through a 6 week obedience boarding and he is very trained, crate, house, recall and e collar. The reason I have to give him up is because I am moving and cannot take him with me. He is a very loyal dog with a structures schedule that he could bond with the right person. I have to have him gone in a month and am looking for a home that will meets his needs and understand his personality. He has gotten all of his yearly shots. Sometimes he can get a log of anxiety and has been skittish lately from a new routine of moving back with me from my brothers where he lived for a year.
  • Shepherd - Belgian Malinois
  • Male
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 03/24/2019
  • 71 - 80 Pounds
  • Buff / Tan / Fawn
  • High Energy
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like Select Dogs
  • I Don't Like Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Am Scared of Farm Animals
  • I'm Trained
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